Watch out!

Then Jesus said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of His possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

You have heard it said, “You are what you eat.” I say also, “You are what you possess.” In this world, a man’s life is about his possessions. However, in the world to come, there is no place for them. Rather than storing up for yourselves treasures on earth, grow your investment in the heavenly realm. Instead of working toward financial wealth, focus your efforts on spiritual richness. The more time you spend laboring to pay for your material possessions, the less time you may spend with Me. Do not build bigger barns to store your abundance, but use your wealth to feed the poor and house the homeless. I extended My rich mercy by laying down My life to save yours. Would you be willing to lay down your rich life to extend kindness and blessing to those who are less fortunate? Are you prideful, greedy, and stingy? Or do you possess an abundance of humility, generosity, and mercy? You are what you possess. Are you in control of your possessions or do they control you?