My Dwelling Place

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

My Dwelling Place

My child, where you live is not important to me—but where I live is. I make my home in you. If your house is not suitable for you, you may move. But if my dwelling is not suitable for me, I must stay. See to it that my temple, your body, is a suitable dwelling place for me. Do not fill your body with unhealthy food and drinks. Do not overindulge in the spirits of alcohol, but overindulge in my Spirit. Do not be gluttonous with your food intake, but eat only what you need to sustain a healthy body. Is your body fit for a King?

Be careful what sights your eyes take in. It would be better to be blind than to fix your eyes on inappropriate things. Be mindful of what you listen to. The prudent woman filters what she hears. Do not listen to unwholesome talk and gossip. Let them pass by you, and do not concentrate on those things. Most certainly, do not further the rumors by repeating what you have heard. Hold your tongue when necessary, and make sure that the words you speak are pleasing to me. Let your words be an encouragement to another. Build up your sister, do not tear her down.

 Run your thoughts through my holy sieve. Take every thought captive, and do not hold on to immoral ideas. See to it that your thoughts are pure and blameless. Discard any notion that is not worthy of me. Live an upright and virtuous life. Others are watching every move you make, every step you take. Live into my perfect will, and enjoy the abundance of the life I offer you. When you remain in me, I will remain in you. Will you honor me with your body, my dwelling place?