O Silent Night, O Holy Night

O silent night, O holy night

As they followed one bright star

The Magi traveled from the East

To Bethlehem afar


To see the Baby King at last

Whose birth was long foretold

The promise of the Messiah

Whose name was Christ the Lord


For God so loved the world—that’s us

He gave His only Son

To be reconciled with us all

For the Way, there’s only One


Confess your sin, believe in Christ

Who paid the wages of your debt

He gave His life in exchange for yours

The most humble sacrifice yet


Believe in Him and live your life

To please the Only One

Who loved you more than you could know

By sending His Only Son


Put God first, make time for Him

To talk to Him in prayer

Then, sit quietly and listen

As the Lord meets you there


Be still and know that He is God

Who whispers in your heart,

I love you and I give to you–

My wisdom, I impart


My guidance awaits you, child

As you meet with Me alone

For I am always with you–

Your heart, it is My home


Come near to Me and sit with Me

As I meet you one-on-one

A relationship only possible

By the death of My own Son


I delight in you, and My love for you

Is more than you can grasp

I will give you everything you want

You simply need to ask


Remain in Me, and I in you

Closer than arm’s length

And you can do all things

Thru Christ who gives you strength


In all things that happen, child,

I work for your own good

I use each trial and heartache

Better than anyone ever could


I made you in My image:

My peace, My joy, My love

Be a light of joy in the world

As a witness to God above


O silent night, O holy night

Enjoy this Christmas Day

Remembering the greatest gift

The Baby King in the manger hay


Merry Christmas,

Sindy Nagel