A Thank-Full Heart

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.” (Psalm 95:1-2, NIV)

Lord, I come before You today with a heart full of gratitude! Thank You for saving me from my sins and redeeming my life. Thank You for your perpetual work in refining me to use for Your good purpose and will. I am forever thankful to You for adopting me as Your child. Thank You for the assurance of eternal life with You! Most of all, I thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit who lives in my heart and challenges me daily to become more like Jesus Christ! What an amazing, priceless gift from above! Praise the Lord, the Rock of my salvation!

My precious child, you are welcome. It was My pleasure. I love you more than you will ever understand. Everything I do for you flows from a heart full of My love for you. I have your best in mind. In good times and bad, plenty and want, I am with you. The challenges I allow you to walk through help develop you into the person I had in mind when I created you. I will never leave you. I am only a whisper away. Listen to your heart within to feel My presence and know My voice. I speak to you daily—Are you listening? Meet with Me often, away from the crowds and noise. I have so much wisdom to impart for your daily life. Walk in step with My Spirit and take your direction from Me. The best is yet to come. Thank you for remembering Me today!


The Joy of Obedience

The Joy of Obedience

by Sindy Nagel


I cannot hold my heart within

It leaps out from my chest

When I obeyed the thing You asked

With joy, my heart You blessed


This is no temporary smile

You’ve draw upon my face

But lasting joy is found in me

As I rest in Your embrace


Storms may come and winds may blow

My vessel may be tossed

You take my hand and lead me through

I never will be lost


My joy is not dependent on

The blessings or the strife

It comes from deep with my soul

‘Cuz I’ve given You my life


Your Spirit lives within me now

He guarantees my fate

Forever I will spend with You

When death knocks at my gate


You are my Lord, I’ll follow You

Until my dying day

And when my work on earth is done

In heaven with You, I’ll stay


Given the chance to do Your work

I choose obedience

And You reward beyond compare

Great Joy, my recompense



Are You Cold? Pour a Cup of Hot Coffee. He’s Waiting for You!

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

As the weather starts turning cold again, I am reminded that He warms our souls from within. Here is my blog post from 2/27/15:

Good morning, Lord

Today the bitter cold is the first thing on my mind. It is -7 degrees here and the sun is making its ascent. What’s it like where you are?

Funny girl, you know it’s heavenly where I am. There is no need for the sun here. My brilliance illuminates everything. A crystal clear river of living water flows through the streets made of pure gold. The pearly gates remain open at all times. There is no temple, for I and the Lamb are its temple. There are no tears, or mourning, or death. Only joy and laughter fill the air. I have prepared a place for you. You will spend eternity here with me. When you ponder the confines of earth, dream of this place I have described for you. This is your eternal home. My radiance will bring warmth to your heart. Do not forget, I am with you, even now. It may be cold outside where you are, but my Spirit warms your soul within. Delight in the coziness of a close relationship with me. Soon the ice and cold will melt away, and only the warmth of the Son will remain. Pour a cup of hot coffee, and enjoy a conversation with Me. I’ll be waiting for you.


Choose Joy No Matter What

From Habakkuk’s Prayer (Habakkuk 3:17-19)

Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights.


Choose Joy No Matter What

By Sindy Nagel


No matter what I do today

No matter if I fail

My strength is found in Christ the Lord

His joy in me prevails


The fig trees may not bud in time

No grapes found on the vines

Yet His joy bubbles in my heart

And on my face it shines


It matters not there are no sheep

Or cattle in the stalls

My lips will make a joyful sound

That echoes down the halls


Through fire and storms, plenty and naught,

Good times and bad, I’ve trod

Yet I’ve always found true peace and joy

When I rest in the arms of God.


Give Thanks in Everything

Joy and Thanksgiving

by Sindy Nagel

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit’s fire (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19).


I’ve put in you a joyful heart

A gift of my great love

When others look upon your face

They see your God above.


Give thanks in every circumstance

You meet along the road

This is My will for you in Christ

Who carries your heavy load.


My Spirit deep within your soul

Lives only for My name

He guides you in My will for you

Don’t quench My Spirit’s flame.


Your constant prayers and grateful heart

Are blessings unto Me

Living in My will for you

Will set your spirit free.


Be joyful always; pray non-stop

Give thanks for all I give

Listen to the words I speak

In abundance, you will live.

You Can Do It, With His Strength

By Sindy Nagel


When the road you’re on is long and hard

With snares on either side

Take My hand; I’ll lead you on

I AM your strength and guide.


When challenges present themselves

And keep you from your way

Run to Me, I’m here for you

To walk you through your day.


When sorrow strikes and grief sets in

Your Comforter, I’m He

I’ll hold you in My loving arms

Your strength I’ll always be.


When sin is knocking at your door

Asking you to play

Call on Me, I’ll give you strength

There is a better way.


When hope is gone and your heart feels weak

You need a loyal friend

I AM your ever-present strength

I AM faithful to the end.


When you’re all alone and gripped with fear

Of some impending threat

I am your Fortress and your Shield

That truth, do not forget.


When the task at hand is much too large

For you to do yourself

I AM the One who gets you through

Trust Me to give you help.


You can do everything

You set your hand to do

Do not fear what lies ahead

My strength will lead you through.


Inspired by the Word of God from Philippians 4:13

“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”












His Joy is Here to Stay

By Sindy Nagel


Trust in Him, the God of hope

Who fills you with His peace

The Spirit’s power within your heart

Will be your joy-filled feast.


It matters not what circumstance

You find you’re in today

God will walk you through your trials

He is your hope and stay.


His joy and peace; His endless love

Is true abundant life

It carries you through thick and thin

No matter what your strife


His strength He gives the weary

He fortifies the weak

He lifts you up on eagle’s wings

When heartfelt joy you seek


Fame and fortune do not last

Worldly “happy” fades away

But with His Spirit deep inside

His joy is here to stay.


Inspired by the Word of God from Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.




Do Not Be Discouraged

Run to the Arms of God

by Sindy Nagel


When discouragement beats me down

I run to the arms of God.

He holds my hand and leads me on

Where others have not trod.


He gives new strength to my tired bones

And hope to my weary soul.

He makes me of sound mind again

In Him I now am whole.


He calls me in His righteousness

To bring new sight to the blind

To release those held in prison

If only in their mind.


I will not fear, for I’m redeemed

And called by His new name.

He healed me and transformed me;

I will never be the same.


The road less traveled has its bumps

The sailing sometimes rough

But still I will press on for Him

Because He is enough.


Inspired by the Word of God:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” (Isaiah 42:6-7)



Share His Message of Love

Amplify My Voice

By Sindy Nagel


Intensify my heart, O Lord, and AMPLIFY my voice

To IMPACT those around me and reduce the worldly noise.

You’ve knit together in my heart a passionate DESIRE

To share the GOODNESS of your love and set the world on fire.


You’ve put a MESSAGE in my mouth that people need to hear

PREPARE the hearts of those You want to lend a listening ear.

EQUIP ME with compassion as I share my hope in You

OPEN doors and lay the groundwork only You can do.


You’ve GIFTED me to do the work You planned for me to do

As a STEWARD of Your generous love, I offer them to you.

Here I am, Lord, USE ME now to carry out your ways

Let me be Your SALT and LIGHT for all my earthly days.


Patience is a Virtue

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. (Psalm 27:14)

My child, your heart is in My hands. I hold you close to Me. I know your desires; your longings are pure and holy. I will give you all that you ask for, in due time. Wait for Me. Good things come to those who wait expectantly for the Lord. You have heard Me say, “Ask for anything in My name and you will receive it, and your joy will be complete” (John 16:24). When you ask in My name, you will receive what you ask for. In the waiting, let your heart overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is patience. Let your countenance be full of joy as you wait upon the Lord. You will receive what you ask for in My perfect timing.