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My Bags are Packed

Good morning, Lord–
I feel distant from you because I have not met with you regularly the past few weeks. Lord, are you there?

I am here, my love. I never left. I have been here all the time, waiting for you to seek me again. You may feel distant from me because you have not met with me lately, but I do not feel distant from you. You are my beloved child. I will never feel distant from you. I eagerly wait for your schedule to open up so that we can spend time together. I patiently wait to see you again. Welcome home, my love. It’s good to see you. You have been on my mind. I have plans for you. I have work for you in my kingdom. Will you help me?

What is it that I can do for you, Lord?

My child, there are some who do not know me; who do not know they can hear my voice. Will you go to them and tell them? Will you share your life with them? Teach them how to listen and hear me.

I will, Lord. Show me the way. Show me where you want me to go? My bags are packed. Use me; I am willing to go. I love to share who You are with those who do not yet know your goodness. Open the door, Lord. Lead me out. I will go where you send me.

That’s the spirit. With your spirit yielded to me, we will accomplish great things together. Share me with all you meet. You do not have to go far to accomplish my will. You have people in your own neighborhood who do not yet know me.

Let me be real, Lord. Let me be your light. Let others see you in me. Please go with me, Lord. I can do all things through you. Please give me your strength and courage.

You have what you have asked for. I will go with you and be your strength. Let’s light the world on fire for me.