Tag Archive | chains


My chains have been broken

I give all thanks to Thee

I now know the Truth

And the Truth has set me free


You loosed my restraints

Where once I was bound

The chains and the shackles

Fell straight to the ground


The bondage of slavery

That once held me tight

No longer has hold of me

Against it we fight


You arm me for battle

Your sword at my side

Girded in righteousness

Behind Your shield I hide


Your helmet, my salvation

Your belt of truth on my waist

And Your gospel of peace

My feet will carry all my days


Still the most precious gift

You’ve given to me

Your Spirit in my heart

Seals my identity


A child of the King, I am

Adopted by Your grace

Your love fills my heart

Your joy shines from my face


Forever I’ll live with You

In all eternity

Forever I am grateful

That You died on Calvary


Your death paid my ransom

The debt I owed to Thee

You defeated my opponent

I will claim my victory


My chains have been broken

I give all thanks to Thee

I now know the Truth

And the Truth has set me free



He Turns Our Darkness Into Light

Today, Lord, you woke me in the middle of the night to David Phelps’ song, Break Free. These lyrics played in my head:

Step out of the darkness and into the light

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

My child, you are my chosen one, you belong to me. Declare my praises for I have brought you out of the darkness and into my wonderful light. The chains that once held you in captivity have been broken by me. Leave them behind and step into my freedom. Do not be bound again by a yoke of slavery with the evil one. Trade that life for a new one. I have made all things new. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. The old is gone, the new is here. I am your lamp. I will light your way. Walk in the light of my glory and glorify me. Let my radiance be reflected in your countenance. Let my Spirit be your guide. Listen to my voice within you. I am your GPS—God Positioning System. I am your true North. I am your Bright Morning Star. Follow me into the light.

Care for My Sheep

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. (Isaiah 61:1-3)

There is one in need. At least one person you know is brokenhearted. One is found captive. There is one who mourns and one who grieves a loss. I have anointed you to share my message. Take care of my sheep. Bind up the brokenhearted. Your words will be a covering for their hurts. Bathe them in prayer. Replace the wreckage of their wounds with a crown of beauty. Clothe them in my righteousness to display my glory before the nations. Release those held in bondage. Liberate them from their chains. Unlock the prison doors and set them free. Renounce the enemy that holds them captive. Comfort the one who mourns a loss. Walk alongside the one in sorrow. Provide for those who grieve in despair. Anoint them with the oil of gladness. Dress them in a garment of praise. Strengthen them in me. Serve those who are in need, and I will show my favor to them. I will give them my peace. You are blessed to be a blessing. In ministering to others, you too will be blessed. Live into your calling.