Tag Archive | countenance

He Turns Our Darkness Into Light

Today, Lord, you woke me in the middle of the night to David Phelps’ song, Break Free. These lyrics played in my head:

Step out of the darkness and into the light

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

My child, you are my chosen one, you belong to me. Declare my praises for I have brought you out of the darkness and into my wonderful light. The chains that once held you in captivity have been broken by me. Leave them behind and step into my freedom. Do not be bound again by a yoke of slavery with the evil one. Trade that life for a new one. I have made all things new. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. The old is gone, the new is here. I am your lamp. I will light your way. Walk in the light of my glory and glorify me. Let my radiance be reflected in your countenance. Let my Spirit be your guide. Listen to my voice within you. I am your GPS—God Positioning System. I am your true North. I am your Bright Morning Star. Follow me into the light.