Tag Archive | dance

I AM Your Daddy

Good morning, Lord

I have missed You. I am sorry I have not made time for You. I feel like I need a fresh filling of your Spirit. Please wrap Your Spirit around my spirit and envelope me with Your love. I want to do Your will, but I get caught up in my own plans. When I’m on vacation, I mistakenly believe this time is mine, but really, Lord, I owe all my time to You. What would You have me do today? What are YOUR plans for me?

I DO want you to spend time with your family. This is important too. When you can sneak it in, please spend alone time with Me. I will wrap My arms around you and hold you close to My heart. I will pour out a fresh filling of My Spirit upon you and give you rest. You are with Me and accomplishing My will all the time. Simply be more intentional about including Me and bringing Me into all your conversations and activities. You have never been away from Me.

Remember, I am with you always. Acknowledge Me in all you do and say. I am an intricate part of your life. It is not necessary to compartmentalize your life and MAKE time for Me. Just INCLUDE Me automatically in EVERYTHING, because I am always with you. Do not think of Me as an outsider or a guest. I am your family, your Papa. Acknowledge My presence with you every moment. Do life with Me.

I know this is not natural for you. The more you practice this, the more it will become your new normal. I am not an imaginary friend. I am real. I am here. I desire to lead you in this dance of life. Whether it’s a waltz with Me alone or a line dance with friends and family, include Me. I am your dance partner. I am your dance teacher. I have a dance choreographed just for you. Let Me lead you in the dance.

I love you, My child. Never forget the great depth of My love for you. If you are uncertain about anything, let it NOT be about My love for you.

You are very precious to Me. I am your Daddy, and you are My special angel.


Join Me in the Dance

Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with tambourine and harp. (Psalm 149:3)

You are my child. I want to spend time with you. If early morning is the only time that works, then get up and dance with Me. I am your dance partner. I want to be involved in your life—all of it. Remember I am with you every moment of every day. Notice Me. Speak with Me all day long. Listen to Me first thing in the morning, throughout your day, and just before bed. Dance is an art form that requires practice to perform well. Practice dancing with Me all day long.


Join Me in the Dance

 by Sindy Nagel


Dance with Me in the morning

Dance with Me in the night

Dance with Me in the darkness

Dance with Me in the light


Dance with Me in the rain

Dance with Me in the sun

Dance with Me in the doldrums

Dance with Me in the fun


Dance with Me when you’re happy

Dance with Me when you’re sad

Dance with Me when you’re good

Dance with Me when you’re bad


Dance with Me when you’re anxious

Dance with Me when you’re still

Dance with Me when you’re hurting

Dance with Me when you’re well



Dance with Me when you’re broken

Dance with Me when you’re whole

Dance with Me in your heart

Dance with Me in your soul


Dance with Me when you’re weak

Dance with Me when you’re strong

Dance with Me in the silence

Dance with Me in the song


Dance with Me in the storms

Dance with Me in the peace

Dance with Me in captivity

Dance with Me in release


You may not know the steps

But don’t miss your only chance

To cherish this time together

When you join Me in the dance


Take my hand and I will lead you

The dance is more like a walk

A two-way chat between us

When we listen and we talk


Spend some time in the silence

Get away from the crowds and noise

Be still and know that I am God

And listen to my voice


My Heart Will Overflow

Lord, last night I prayed that you would wake me with a song again. This morning as I opened my eyes, I heard these lyrics to “From the Day” by I Am They:

From the day You saved my soul

‘Til the very moment when I come home

I’ll sing, I’ll dance, my heart will overflow

From the day You saved my soul

 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45)

Precious one, you are good. I have made you in my image and I am good. Store up good in your heart. Discard all evil and practice good only. Let your lips overflow with praise from the good stored up in your heart. Streams of living water will flow from within you as my Spirit resides in you. Live by my Spirit; walk in the Spirit; pray in the Spirit, and experience my goodness. For when you believed in me, I gave you the gift of the Holy Spirit. You will sing, you will dance; your heart will overflow with my goodness. Do not live in the flesh as the world lives, but by my Spirit within you. Express your gratitude for my saving grace by living in obedience to me. Listen to the voice of the Spirit within you. He will lead you in the way everlasting. He will help you live a life that is pleasing to me—a good life. Truly, my goodness will flow like living water from within you. You are good.