Tag Archive | depressed

A Friend to the End

What it means to be a friend…by Sindy Nagel


I’m excited to share with you one thing I know today

What it means to be a friend in every single way

Then ask your inner being, “Does this reflect myself?”

“Am I this good of friend to anybody else?”


My Friend is always near me; He’s never far away

I can call upon His name and speak with Him all day

Especially in the evening hours, He makes His presence known

And watches over me when I’m in the sleeping zone


He’s quite the gentle man, never pushing His own way

He opens wide His arms of love when I have gone astray

Forgiving my transgressions, my iniquities, my sin

And helps me live a better life by His Spirit guide within


When I am feeling down in heart or my spirit seems depressed

My friend helps cheer my inner soul and shows me I am blessed

When fear sets in, or doubt attacks, or I feel my heart is weak

He reminds me of His promises, and things don’t look so bleak


When life gets hard and things go wrong, He is my hiding place

I run to Him, climb in His arms; He wipes tears from my face

He listens so intently to all the words my lips release

And offers me His wisdom, while giving me His peace


My Friend is there in good times too, when I am filled with glee

His heart swells up, He cracks a smile, when things go well for me

My biggest fan and cheerleader, He’s always the first one

To fondly pat me on the back and say the words, “Well done!”


Every morning when we meet for prayer, He listens and He speaks

When my challenges go on for days and days turn into weeks

I can pour out my troubles to Him and He’s the first to say,

“Don’t worry ‘bout a thing that’s coming, I’ve got your back today!”


Like two best friends can usually do, we enjoy our time together

We laugh and cry, we joke and play, like two birds of a feather

I always know when I’m in trouble, He’ll stay close by my side

He cheers me on, encourages me—in Him I can confide


My Friend is my comforter, my protector, and my guide

He loves me so much that He paid my debt and died

Although it sometimes feels this way, He left me not alone

He’s always there, deep within, because my heart’s His home


This poem is dedicated to My Friend, He is the world’s best

Even when I’ve fallen short and put Him to the test

He loves me more than I can grasp and shows it when He can

He is my Rock, my Friend, my King, and I, His biggest fan


I’ve shared with you one thing I know about being a good friend

Both in the good and bad times, an ally to the end

Now ask your inner being, “Does this reflect myself?”

“Am I this good of friend to anybody else?”


Go and be a friend today, and use this as your guide

Listen, pray, encourage the one you walk beside

Whether skies are sunny blue or darker shades of gray

Be the best that you can be–a good friend, through Him today


To all the Nancy Lucas “Be a Nice Mom with Skills” listeners–

Thank you for listening to my podcast interview with Nancy Lucas. (link to: Sindy’s podcast interview by Nancy Lucas)

Just want to encourage all you moms to seek God for patience, peace, and joy in your childrearing endeavors. It’s so important that we take care of ourselves (body, mind, and soul) before we can take care of our families. It’s difficult to make time to do that when all of our time is demanded from those we love and take care of. I made the mistake of not taking care of my spirit when my children were young, and wound up clinically depressed.

I encourage you to get up early, stay up late, or use your lunch time to spend a few minutes alone with God. He will fill you to all the fullness of Jesus Christ. He will refresh your soul, strengthen your resolve, and guide you through the difficult times, even carry you. Lay all your cares at His feet and listen to His voice. He has so much love and wisdom to pass along to you. I wish I had learned this skill before I had children.

Get your free copy of my e-Book for three days only, April 6-8, and connect or re-connect with the Holy Spirit inside you. 7 Simple Steps to Hearing God’s Voice – eBook

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.God bless you with His peace and joy as you walk out your mommy career.


Life in the Son

Lord, I have been in a slump because of the dreary weather. Would you shine some light into my life? Does the sun, or lack of it, really make that big of difference?

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.
My child, if you only knew. Life in the Son does make that much of a difference. The sun I have placed in the sky may lift your spirits while it shines; but it does not provide constant light, as you know. Truly, my Son will shine his light into your darkness all hours of the day and night. You never need to endure the storms of life alone. I am with you always. I will shine my light of life into every dark corner. I will light the way for you. I will lead you in the path of life.

My sweet daughter, life in the Son does make that much of a difference. Even on the darkest of days, you may have joy in your heart, because you belong to me. I am the true light that gives life. As you walk in the rain, my light will lead you on your way. Follow me and you will never walk in darkness, because I am the light of life. (See John 8:12) I have made my light shine in your heart to give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (See 2 Corinthians 4:6)

My precious one, life in the Son does make that much of a difference. You may be downcast for a little while, but consider what I have done for you. I am light. I have given you my light. In me there is no darkness. (See 1 John 1:5) Never again will you remain in darkness, because you believe in me, the light of the world.

Are you downcast? Look to me for your happiness. Are your spirits low? I will lift you up on eagle’s wings. Are you depressed? I will remove your sackcloth and clothe you with joy. Are you stuck in a pit? I will pull you out of the pit and place you on solid ground. Are you caught in the middle of a storm? I am with you. I will weather this storm with you, and bring you to a place of rest.

Seek me, my child, and I will give you joy in your spirit and peace in your heart. My light will illuminate the darkest of days. Even as we speak, the skies are getting brighter. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me shall stay in darkness. (John 12:46) Life in the Son does make that much of a difference. Choose to live your life in the Son.