Tag Archive | dormancy

Do you feel like winter wheat?

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

winter wheat

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

perennial wheat grass









When old man winter strikes with a vengeance, do you relate more to winter wheat (left) or perennial wheat grass (right)? Do you remain in a vegetative phase during the winter but produce a higher yield in the spring or summer? Or do you flourish and produce your best harvest in the harshness of winter weather?

I’m a hybrid wheat. I don’t enjoy the colder weather, so I stay inside and keep to myself. My activities and relationships may go dormant for a few months. However, this also affords me time to read, study, write and produce good content for the harvest.

It’s okay to be the winter wheat recluse, as long as you are bulking up in spiritual knowledge and rebuilding your energy to produce your best harvest when warmer weather returns.

My child, I am the Vine; you are the branch. Remain in Me and I will remain in you. Apart from Me, you can do nothing. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the Vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. If you remain in Me, and I in you, you will be even more fruitful. (See John 15:1-8)

If you are winter wheat, be sure to remain in the Vine during your dormancy. Use your alone time to bulk up in spiritual knowledge by remaining in God’s Word. Don’t let your relationship with Jesus go dormant. Spend time with Him daily in two-way conversation—talk to Him, and then leave room in the conversation for Him to speak to you.

Winter wheat generally produces a higher yield. You will too, when you remain in the Vine during the solitude of winter.