Tag Archive | earth

Let Your Praises Ring

Praise the Lord, O my soul

Everything in me sings your praise

All my heart, soul, mind, and strength

Will praise you all of my days


Praise the Lord, O ye heavens

Praise the Lord, ye earth below

He is worthy of all glory

He is awesome, this I know


Before I rise in the morning

Let His praises be on my lips

And when I fall into bed at night

Let the praise in my heart do flips


Every moment I will praise Him

For He is my EVERY thing

Let admiration flow from my mouth

As my tongue His praises sing


I lift my hands in holy praise

To the Almighty God above

I delight myself in the Lord of lords

And He fills my heart with love


The One Who bore my sin and shame

Deserves the best words I can shout

His praise flows from within my soul

And through my lips pours out


He is my guardian and my friend

My trusted confidant

He provides me all I’ll ever need

Much more than I shall want


I thank Him for His Spirit

He placed within my heart

Who seals me for the final day

When this earth I will depart


I hear His voice within me

He whispers in my ear

“I am with you always…

There is no need to fear”


If Jesus is your Savior

The Lord of what you do

Just make the time to listen

And you will hear Him too


Escape the crowds and noise of life

And to the Lord draw near

Pay attention to the thoughts you think

His still, small voice you’ll hear


He speaks to us through Scripture

When we find ourselves in need

He counsels us in God’s good ways

And convicts us of our misdeed


He is our hope and healing

Our anchor in the storm

When battles rage against us

He keeps us safe and warm


Do not forsake your time with God

He wants to be your friend

To speak with you throughout your day

From the day’s beginning to its end


Pay attention to His voice within

As you walk out your faith today

Be conscious of His words to you

I bet you’ll hear Him say:


“My child, I love you more than life

You are My special lamb

I want to be Your Shepherd

And show you Who I AM…


I’m your light in the darkness

I’m your stronghold in the war

I’m your comfort in your sorrow

I’m the angel at your door


I give you food and shelter

I protect you from your foe

I speak the truth within your heart

The things that you should know


I hear you when you call Me

I’m with you in all you do

And when you cannot find the strength

You can be sure I’ll carry you


Trust in Me, obey My words

And I will see you through

I do not ask you to perform

Without preparing you


And when My work you’ve carried out

My joy is your reward

Let your praises ring, let Me hear you sing

‘Halleluiah to the Lord!’”


You are the Salt of the Earth

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (Colossians 4:5-6)

You are the salt of the earth. I have seasoned you with my goodness. Let all your conversations with outsiders be always full of grace and truth. Season the earth with the salt I have given you. Do not lose your saltiness, and therefore, your effectiveness as my witness. Remain in me and my salt will remain in you. In the world, too much sodium is not good for you. However, my salt makes for a healthy heart. Taste and see that the Lord is good, and then, season the whole earth with my goodness.

The Things of Earth

On 02-18-15

Good morning, Lord

I feel so out of touch with you because I have not met with you much lately. Lord, please forgive me. There is no good excuse, no matter what. Material possessions have taken up my time, just as you warned me about. Lord, thanks for waking me up early today, so I could spend time with you. I dedicate this poem to you.

The Things of Earth–

I drift away from the Lord of me

Tossed about as a wave on the sea

Bouncing along the angry surf

Pulled away by the things of earth.

My possessions take many hours away

From spending time with Him each day

Zapping me of all my life

Leaving me with stress and strife.

When all I really need is love

From my heavenly Lord above

He has the power to satisfy

Like nothing else that I could buy.

And when I’m done with things to do

I seek my Lord for a minute or two

He looks with love upon my face

And reminds me of His perfect grace.

He’s waited patiently all day

For me to wander o’er His way

And listen to His words so dear

Telling me to have no fear.

He whispers words of love and peace

He holds the key to my release

From things that hold me close to earth

Which really have no heavenly worth.

So now I vow upon a whim

To set aside some time for Him

My worship is for God alone

Not for “things” that I have known.

And now my story has reached its end

May I suggest one thing, my friend?

Put your earthly things aside

In the Lord’s presence do abide.



Thank You, God


A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.







God, thank you for creating me,

The heavens, earth, and deep blue sea.

Lord, thank you for the sun above.

Thank you for your endless love.

I’m grateful for your perfect peace,

And provision for my sin release.


Thank you for my Savior’s birth.

For sending Jesus to the earth,

To pay the debt for all my sin,

And give me new life to begin.

The old has gone, the new is here.

His perfect love casts out my fear.


Lord, thank you for the Holy Spirit

Who speaks to me so I can hear it.

Who tells me of your love for me

And convicts me of iniquity.

He counsels me, He is my guide.

Through trials He walks close beside.


Amazing God, the Three-in-One,

The Father, Spirit, and the Son,

I give you the glory you are due

You are the One God who is true.

My heart belongs to you alone.

My body is your earthly home.


You heal my hurts, you restore my soul.

You rebuild me, and you make me whole.

You turn my sorrows into laughter,

And give me new life ever after.

I’m sealed for your redemption day.

When you return and take me away.


Until that day, I’ll walk with you,

Read your Word, and obey it too.

I’ll listen to your voice within,

And try to live life without sin.

I’ll follow where you choose to lead.

You are my God and Lord indeed.


I love you, Lord, with all my soul.

My life I give you, take control.

Do with me what you have planned.

I submit to you and take your hand.

Lead me down paths that are straight,

And use me for the work you create.


The Creation Story

And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” (Isaiah 6:3)

The mountains are majestic, the rocks cry out in praise.

The earth in all its glory was formed in just six days.

From darkness and void, God said, “Let there be light.”

Day one of His creation, morning turned into night.

He spoke and a separation of waters came to be.

Day two of His creation, the sky divided from the sea.

The water, he gathered it all up into one place.

Dry ground called “land” emerged and filled the empty space.

God looked at all He made and it was good indeed.

Next on the list were plants and trees bearing fruit with seed,

The land produced vegetation all according to its kind.

Day three of His creation was what He had in mind.

In the heavens, He carefully placed the stars, moon, and sun.

Day four of His creation, the heavenly bodies were done.

Great fishes of the deep blue sea and birds up in the air,

Day five of His creation, the finned and winged did appear.

Living creatures great and small according to their kind,

God formed the dust into a man: body, soul, and mind.

The woman formed from man’s rib was His crowned jewel.

Over all He had created, God gave the man to rule.

In the image of God, He created woman and man.

Day six of His creation, He finished his beautiful plan.

In six days, the world was created full of God’s glory.

On the seventh day He rested, and that’s the creation story.