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My chains have been broken

I give all thanks to Thee

I now know the Truth

And the Truth has set me free


You loosed my restraints

Where once I was bound

The chains and the shackles

Fell straight to the ground


The bondage of slavery

That once held me tight

No longer has hold of me

Against it we fight


You arm me for battle

Your sword at my side

Girded in righteousness

Behind Your shield I hide


Your helmet, my salvation

Your belt of truth on my waist

And Your gospel of peace

My feet will carry all my days


Still the most precious gift

You’ve given to me

Your Spirit in my heart

Seals my identity


A child of the King, I am

Adopted by Your grace

Your love fills my heart

Your joy shines from my face


Forever I’ll live with You

In all eternity

Forever I am grateful

That You died on Calvary


Your death paid my ransom

The debt I owed to Thee

You defeated my opponent

I will claim my victory


My chains have been broken

I give all thanks to Thee

I now know the Truth

And the Truth has set me free



Give Thanks in Everything

Joy and Thanksgiving

by Sindy Nagel

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit’s fire (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19).


I’ve put in you a joyful heart

A gift of my great love

When others look upon your face

They see your God above.


Give thanks in every circumstance

You meet along the road

This is My will for you in Christ

Who carries your heavy load.


My Spirit deep within your soul

Lives only for My name

He guides you in My will for you

Don’t quench My Spirit’s flame.


Your constant prayers and grateful heart

Are blessings unto Me

Living in My will for you

Will set your spirit free.


Be joyful always; pray non-stop

Give thanks for all I give

Listen to the words I speak

In abundance, you will live.

A Long and Winding Road

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

My child, do not fret about the journey that lies before you. It may seem long and winding, with sudden turns and unsure footing. Trust in me completely. Cast your cares on me. Yield to me in reverence, and allow me to direct your paths. I will make them straight. I have a road mapped out for you. It is the best route for you to travel. You will face challenges along the way, but I am with you always. Lean on me, take my hand, and I will lead you through your trials. Run to me, depend on me, I desire to be in close relationship with you. Listen to me and I will impart great wisdom for your journey. This is not a race. Do not run ahead of me. Walk with me, and enjoy my peace, even in the midst of hardship. I love you, and I will provide everything you need along the way. You are my child. I am delighted in you.