Tag Archive | land

The Creation Story

And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” (Isaiah 6:3)

The mountains are majestic, the rocks cry out in praise.

The earth in all its glory was formed in just six days.

From darkness and void, God said, “Let there be light.”

Day one of His creation, morning turned into night.

He spoke and a separation of waters came to be.

Day two of His creation, the sky divided from the sea.

The water, he gathered it all up into one place.

Dry ground called “land” emerged and filled the empty space.

God looked at all He made and it was good indeed.

Next on the list were plants and trees bearing fruit with seed,

The land produced vegetation all according to its kind.

Day three of His creation was what He had in mind.

In the heavens, He carefully placed the stars, moon, and sun.

Day four of His creation, the heavenly bodies were done.

Great fishes of the deep blue sea and birds up in the air,

Day five of His creation, the finned and winged did appear.

Living creatures great and small according to their kind,

God formed the dust into a man: body, soul, and mind.

The woman formed from man’s rib was His crowned jewel.

Over all He had created, God gave the man to rule.

In the image of God, He created woman and man.

Day six of His creation, He finished his beautiful plan.

In six days, the world was created full of God’s glory.

On the seventh day He rested, and that’s the creation story.