Tag Archive | light

Relationship Struggles

My dearest daughter, do not fret about the relationships that you struggle with or the family connections that cause you stress. These battles are not produced in the opponents who clash. Rather, they originate from the powers of this dark world. Your spiritual enemy instigates competitiveness and jealousy in the smallest of children to the elderly saint. The devil stirs up contention and resentment in my children from the time they are young through old age.

Siblings will rival and family members will fight. Friends will disagree and marriages will crumble. But My Word endures forever. My great love lasts for all time. Seek Me in the battles. Consult Me in your competitions, both carnal and spiritual. I am Your great warrior. I fight on your behalf. I give you My suit of armor to wear for your protection. Clothe yourself in it daily. Pray it over your family. Declare victory in your home.

Buckle the belt of truth around your waist. Do not be deceived by your adversary, but expose his lies. Cling to the truth of my Word. Proudly wear the breastplate of righteousness. It will guard your heart against immorality. Be prepared always in grace and mercy to share My gospel of peace with a world at war. With the shield of faith, put out the fires started by the evil one. Put on the helmet of salvation for you have been redeemed. Carry the sword of the Spirit, my Word, with you at all times. Bind it in your heart and mind. Call on it as your weapon of choice. Use it to disprove the enemy’s deceit. After you have done all these things, stand your ground. Stand firm in My strength. Always be alert to the devils ways, and pray at all times, in all places, for all your brothers and sisters around the world who fight similar battles.

You are My precious child. I love you far more than you can understand. I won the battle for your soul, and now you must fight for the souls of those you love. Be My armor bearer. Bring My peace and light into this dark world. Shine brightly in the midst of your struggles. You will be a witness to My goodness as you withstand the tests of the times. Remain in Me, beloved one, and I will remain in you.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against the flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark worldA woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen., and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In additional to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Also see: Isaiah 40:8, Exodus 15:3, John 15:4

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

Share His Message of Love

Amplify My Voice

By Sindy Nagel


Intensify my heart, O Lord, and AMPLIFY my voice

To IMPACT those around me and reduce the worldly noise.

You’ve knit together in my heart a passionate DESIRE

To share the GOODNESS of your love and set the world on fire.


You’ve put a MESSAGE in my mouth that people need to hear

PREPARE the hearts of those You want to lend a listening ear.

EQUIP ME with compassion as I share my hope in You

OPEN doors and lay the groundwork only You can do.


You’ve GIFTED me to do the work You planned for me to do

As a STEWARD of Your generous love, I offer them to you.

Here I am, Lord, USE ME now to carry out your ways

Let me be Your SALT and LIGHT for all my earthly days.


Join Me in the Dance

Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with tambourine and harp. (Psalm 149:3)

You are my child. I want to spend time with you. If early morning is the only time that works, then get up and dance with Me. I am your dance partner. I want to be involved in your life—all of it. Remember I am with you every moment of every day. Notice Me. Speak with Me all day long. Listen to Me first thing in the morning, throughout your day, and just before bed. Dance is an art form that requires practice to perform well. Practice dancing with Me all day long.


Join Me in the Dance

 by Sindy Nagel


Dance with Me in the morning

Dance with Me in the night

Dance with Me in the darkness

Dance with Me in the light


Dance with Me in the rain

Dance with Me in the sun

Dance with Me in the doldrums

Dance with Me in the fun


Dance with Me when you’re happy

Dance with Me when you’re sad

Dance with Me when you’re good

Dance with Me when you’re bad


Dance with Me when you’re anxious

Dance with Me when you’re still

Dance with Me when you’re hurting

Dance with Me when you’re well



Dance with Me when you’re broken

Dance with Me when you’re whole

Dance with Me in your heart

Dance with Me in your soul


Dance with Me when you’re weak

Dance with Me when you’re strong

Dance with Me in the silence

Dance with Me in the song


Dance with Me in the storms

Dance with Me in the peace

Dance with Me in captivity

Dance with Me in release


You may not know the steps

But don’t miss your only chance

To cherish this time together

When you join Me in the dance


Take my hand and I will lead you

The dance is more like a walk

A two-way chat between us

When we listen and we talk


Spend some time in the silence

Get away from the crowds and noise

Be still and know that I am God

And listen to my voice


His Way is Best

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48: 17)

You may spend time going your own way, following your own desires. You may enjoy a good life; however, it may not be My best for you. Listen to My voice. I will instruct you and show you the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Hear My words. I will teach you what is best for you, I will direct you in the way you should go. When you pay attention to My commands, you will experience peace like a river. Delight yourself in Me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to Me; trust in Me and I will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before Me and wait patiently for Me. I am delighted in the way I make for you; your steps I make firm. Though you stumble, you will not fall, for I uphold you with My hand. I am with you always. Do not fear the way unknown, for it is not unknown to Me. I will direct your steps. My Word will be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. You know My voice. Listen and follow.

(Also see Psalm 32:8, Psalm 37:4-7, 23-24, Psalm 119:105)


My Soul Yearns for You

My soul yearns for You in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for You. (Isaiah 26:9)


My Soul Yearns for You

By Sindy Nagel



In the dark hours in the mid of night

My soul yearns for You my King.

In the early morning hours of light

For You does my spirit sing.



And all the hours throughout the day

You are present in my heart.

When I’m uncertain of my way

You show me where to start.



Your Spirit is my comfort source

My wisdom and my guide.

You lead me through the open doors

And never leave my side.



My Counselor, my Confidant,

My Mentor, and my Friend.

You speak to my every need and want

When to You, my ears I lend.



Your still, small voice I long to hear

Throughout the day and night.

I know that You are always near

In my sorrow, joy, and fright.



You yearn for me, as I yearn for You

You see the void in my soul.

You wait for me to want for You

To fill the God-shaped hole.



Please come to me, satisfy my need

As only You can do.

Pour into me and lavishly feed

My desperate soul with You.



I realize, Lord, you are the One

That I long for day and night.

I thank you, Father, Spirit, Son

That I’m always in Your sight.



You created me to bring you praise

You’re the author of my story.

You’ve saved me in a thousand ways

Forever I’ll give You glory.


You are a Daddy’s Girl

Because you are [daughters], God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but a [daughter]; and since you are a [daughter], God has made you also an heir. (Galatians 4:6)

My precious daughters, I cherish you and hold you in the deep places of My heart. You are eager to hear my voice. You should know that I already speak to you. My Spirit within you relays My messages of love and wisdom to you. You need only quiet yourselves enough to hear the still, small voice of your Lord. I love you, my child. I am your Abba, Daddy. Climb into my lap and listen to Me as I whisper in your ear. You are my beloved one, made in my image. I am a kind and gentle Spirit. Let my kindness and gentleness flow from your heart also. Allow My Spirit within you to guide your emotions, your actions, and your words. Model my love and grace to those around you. Be a reflection of me, a bright light in a dark and weary world. Listen to My words. They will be a lamp to your soul and a light to your feet. I am your Daddy and you are My girl. I love you with all my heart.


I Knit You Together in Your Mother’s Womb

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14)

My darling daughter, I knew you before I created you in your mother’s womb. I ordained all of your days before one of them came to be. You are my beautiful creation, made in my likeness. Let your light shine, as my light shines through you. Raise your hands to the heavens in praise of my holy name. You are my child. I love you beyond measure. Lift your eyes toward the skies and watch me smile down upon you. You are my precious one. I call you by name, you are my own.

Spend time with me today, and I will shower you with my love an affection. Listen to my voice, my wisdom will direct your paths. Search for me as hidden treasure. Seek me and find me when you look for me with all your heart. I am with you always. I have never stopped pursuing you. Make time for me in your day. I am your strength and peace. I am your comfort and joy. Know me and experience the life I have planned for you. You are the child I delight in. I celebrate your birth today! Happy Birthday, my love.


Walk in the Light

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

My precious children, I have chosen you. You belong to me. I have made you holy and righteous through my death and resurrection. No longer are you sons and daughters of the darkness. I have called you into my wonderful light. Declare your praises to me. You are mine.

Rid yourselves of all evil and abstain from immorality. Live good lives to glorify me. Those that remain in darkness may still accuse you of doing wrong. However, you have chosen a better path. This road leads to everlasting life.

Live life according to the Spirit, rather than the flesh. Like a newborn craves milk, yearn for spiritual milk, that will satisfy your longings and help you grow up in the Lord. You have now tasted that the Lord is good. Only I can satisfy your thirst.

Fill your souls with spiritual wisdom by feasting on my Word. Keep it in your heart and mind that you may recall it and use it as your weapon of choice. When your adversary temps you and lies to you, draw the sword of the Spirit, which is my Word. As you now walk in the light, the darkness will not overcome you. I have already defeated your enemy. Stand victoriously in my triumph.

You are my precious children. Do you know how much I love you? Can you grasp how wide and long and high and deep my love is for you? I loved you to the grave and back. I gave my life to pay for your sin. Now you are a child of the King, you belong to God. Live into the light and leave the darkness behind.


Light Ablaze Lost Souls for Me

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:28-29)

My child, do not refuse me as the pagans do. Do not refuse the words that I speak. I am the one you seek. I am the Lord of all, the Messiah, the One who saves. When I saved you, I sent my Spirit to live in your heart. Your body is my temple, therefore, do not defile your body. I have prepared for you a place in a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Be thankful and worship me with awe and reverence for I will destroy those who refuse me, and I will ignite a passion in those who accept me. Be on fire for me. Let your enthusiasm light a fire in someone else. Burn with fervor for me. My Spirit lives in you. This is no small thing. I consume you with my fire within. Commit yourself to living by my Spirit. Let my love and grace flow from my temple within you and overwhelm a dying world. You belong to a kingdom that cannot be brought down. Live in a way that will bring down the walls of indifference and light ablaze lost souls for me.


He Turns Our Darkness Into Light

Today, Lord, you woke me in the middle of the night to David Phelps’ song, Break Free. These lyrics played in my head:

Step out of the darkness and into the light

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

My child, you are my chosen one, you belong to me. Declare my praises for I have brought you out of the darkness and into my wonderful light. The chains that once held you in captivity have been broken by me. Leave them behind and step into my freedom. Do not be bound again by a yoke of slavery with the evil one. Trade that life for a new one. I have made all things new. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. The old is gone, the new is here. I am your lamp. I will light your way. Walk in the light of my glory and glorify me. Let my radiance be reflected in your countenance. Let my Spirit be your guide. Listen to my voice within you. I am your GPS—God Positioning System. I am your true North. I am your Bright Morning Star. Follow me into the light.