Tag Archive | love

Child of Love

My precious child, you are very important to me. I do not make mistakes. I created you for a reason; I had a purpose in mind for you before I created the world. You are the conduit of my love. People will know me when they see your loving ways. Love unconditionally as I do. I will empower you to love that way. Remain in me and I will remain in you. Love me and I will love others through you.

Please seek me every day. Make me your first priority. Come near to me. Spend a little time with me. Let me direct your ways. Trust me. I have your best interest in mind. I am only a whisper away. Ask me for help. Share your heart with me, and then listen. I desire to share my heart with you. My Spirit, who lives in your heart, knows my heart and shares it with you. You have access to me any time, day or night, by my Spirit within you. Listen to my voice from within. Hear what I say to you in your thoughts and be at peace. I have so much to tell you. Will you spend a few moments with me today?

Let me love you perfectly, and you will have the capacity and capability you need to love others well. Receive my love in order to give it away. Child of love, you are precious to me.

Precious in His Sight

My dear child, you are precious. I love you more that you will ever comprehend. You are the crown of my creation. I am your Father; you are my darling daughter. I am the King; that makes you a princess. You are royalty in my kingdom here on earth.

You are made in my image. You are stunningly beautiful. You radiate the brilliance of my light in your eyes and in your smile. You give generously to others with your time and devotion. You love and nurture all those around you. You exhaust yourself meeting the needs of others. You empty yourself to fill another.

Come to me, my child. Let me lavish you with my love. Bask in knowledge that I love you more than you understand. Come to me and let me refresh your weary soul. Spend time with me alone, and I will rejuvenate your spirit. I will energize you with my presence and my word. Sit quietly with me, and listen to my voice.

I love spending time with you. Please take time to meet with me away from the noise and distractions of your busy life. Draw on my peace. It is available to you at all times.  I am the Prince of Peace, and my Spirit lives in your heart. You have access to my peace whenever you need it. Be still and know me more intimately.

You are my child; I am your Father. I am with you always. I will never leave you or forget about you. I care for you immensely. Drink deeply from  the well of my love. Drink until your thirsty soul is satisfied.  Make time for me. I am your daddy. Let me hold you in my arms. I will rejoice over you with singing and quiet you with my love. My love for you is so great that I gave the life of my Son for you. Will you now give your life to me? Live in the abundance that I have come to give you. Seek me and you will find me. I am right here waiting to connect with you. Listen to my voice and live the life I intended for you. I love you, my child.


Mother’s Day Speaking Events

I am really excited about the two speaking engagements that I have this weekend. I am speaking to a group of ladies from Gull Lake Bible Church for their Mother’s Day luncheon on Saturday, May 11. On Sunday, May 12, I am speaking at the 11:00 a.m. service at Trenches Community Church. I am grateful to God for given me these opportunities to share his message of love with his children. Please pray for me as God uses me in this way.

Perfect Love

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The man who fears is not made perfect in his love. We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (1 John 4:18-21)

Is there someone unlovable in your life? Love him anyway. You are not perfect, but I have loved you perfectly. Therefore, love your brother who is not perfect with the love that you have been given. I loved you first, now you must love another. If you do not love your brother, you cannot say that you love me. I am love. Whoever lives in love, lives in me, and I in him.

I have commanded you to love one another. When you acknowledge Jesus as my Son, I live in you and you in me. I have loved you much. Love another with the same love I have given you. You will find the power to love from the One who lives in you. Do not love based on your own feelings. You may not feel like loving him, but it is the right thing to do. Because I live in you, you have the power to love the way I love.

 In order to love, you must be able to forgive. In order to forgive, you must love. Love is not love, until it is given away. Forgive your brother who has offended you, and you have loved him also. Do as I have commanded you. You will not fear the days ahead, when you walk in the commands I give you. When you love, you need not fear. Fear dreads punishment. There is no punishment for the one who loves me and loves his brother. Do you love me? Then, love him also.

Your Heart is My Dwelling Place

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord.” (Psalm 25:4-7)

My child, my love for you is great and unfathomable. My mercy is as from old. I remember not the sins of your youth, nor do I have record of your rebellious ways. I remember you according to my love for you. As I have given love and mercy in great portions to you, so you should be generous with your love and mercy to others.

My Spirit will show you my ways, and teach you the paths I have set down for you. Put your hope and trust in me. My truth will guide you on your journey. Look to me for your direction, and I will instruct you in the way chosen for you.

You are the one I love. I cherish the time we spend together. Seek me first in your day, and everything else will fall into place. Give me your first fruits, and the flood gates of heaven will open with blessing for you. Give me your reverent love, and I will confide in you. Call on me, and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

You are my beloved child. Hunger and thirst after me, and you will be satisfied. Seek me with all of your heart, and you will find me. You need to look no further than the depths of your own heart; I am there. Your heart is my dwelling place. The living God is living in you. Live not according to your own power, but by the Spirit who lives in you.