Tag Archive | nice

To all the Nancy Lucas “Be a Nice Mom with Skills” listeners–

Thank you for listening to my podcast interview with Nancy Lucas. (link to: Sindy’s podcast interview by Nancy Lucas)

Just want to encourage all you moms to seek God for patience, peace, and joy in your childrearing endeavors. It’s so important that we take care of ourselves (body, mind, and soul) before we can take care of our families. It’s difficult to make time to do that when all of our time is demanded from those we love and take care of. I made the mistake of not taking care of my spirit when my children were young, and wound up clinically depressed.

I encourage you to get up early, stay up late, or use your lunch time to spend a few minutes alone with God. He will fill you to all the fullness of Jesus Christ. He will refresh your soul, strengthen your resolve, and guide you through the difficult times, even carry you. Lay all your cares at His feet and listen to His voice. He has so much love and wisdom to pass along to you. I wish I had learned this skill before I had children.

Get your free copy of my e-Book for three days only, April 6-8, and connect or re-connect with the Holy Spirit inside you. 7 Simple Steps to Hearing God’s Voice – eBook

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.God bless you with His peace and joy as you walk out your mommy career.