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Step 6 – Enjoy the Rewards – Reward #7

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

Reward #7 – Delight in the Peace

By the time I reached my mid-thirties, I had created a busy life for myself. I had everything I wanted: a husband, a home, a job, a girl, a boy, friends, a dog, God, a church, a ministry, and much more. Why did I feel so empty? I controlled my life—or did my life control me? My life resulted in exactly what I had made of it, not what God had planned. My life was good, but it was not God’s best for me. My life felt full, but I remained hollow. My whole life had left me with a hole in my heart. Our definition of a full life is different than God’s. The life I had created quickly spun out of control and into depression. I was in pieces and had no peace within.

God met me at the bottom of my pit of depression. He stretched out His hand to me. I took hold, and He pulled me up. He set me down on His firm foundation and began the rebuilding process in me. As I learned to trust God more every day, I turned over new areas of my life to Him. When I turned over complete control to God, He rearranged major things in my crazy, busy life to give me the peace He wanted me to enjoy.

After many months of meeting with God on a daily basis to listen to His voice—absorb His healing, find freedom in forgiving, enjoy His encouragement, follow His instruction, consider His conviction, and savor His wisdom—I could now delight in His peace. God had rebuilt my demolished soul through the work of His Holy Spirit inside me. He gave me a newfound confidence in Christ and in myself as a child of God. He gave me a renewed relationship with the Father. He gave me a stronger, more vibrant faith and a passion for serving my Savior. He gave me more spiritual knowledge and a better understanding of the Holy Spirit and His role of transforming me into a new creation.

Let me be clear. Life did not get a lot easier, but it did become more peaceful as I gave over control to God. That statement seems contradictory. Losing control should not produce peace in one’s spirit, but the things of God are not as they seem. He does not operate as the world does. When I gave up control and surrendered to the will and plans of God, He lifted a burden from me.

As I consulted with Him in all areas of my life, big and small, I turned from being a people-pleaser into being a God-pleaser. I didn’t care as much about what people thought anymore; I concerned myself with what God thought. I did not have to please everyone; I had to please the One. I tried not to spread myself thin going in too many different directions. I focused my attention in one direction—up.

It took many months for God to rearrange my life in order to give me the kind of peace He wanted me to experience by trusting fully in Him. I had obligations I needed to fulfill and positions I had to find replacements for. I had to change the way I operated in my home among my family. As God freed up my time by releasing me from a few responsibilities, I became more available for Him to use in His work.

Doing God’s work generated a much greater reward than anything I might take on myself. With obedience come peace and joy. As I faithfully met with God every morning, our relationship deepened immensely. He did a great deal of intense work with me on discovering, processing, and healing my emotional wounds. I shed many tears along the path to healing. The rough and rocky emotional journey had to be traveled to get to a better place—a place of freedom, peace, and rest.

One of the first observations my Christian mentor made about me all those years ago was that I did not have much peace in my life. It was a very smart—and true—observation. I experienced a full life, yet I did not know what peace-full felt like. Some people do not experience a full life according to worldly standards but have a life full of peace and contentment because they rely on intimate communication with God through the Holy Spirit, rather than depending on things and circumstances. The full life Jesus Christ came to give us equals a life full of His peace when we are in tune with the voice and Spirit of God, not based on material possessions, human relationships, or excellent conditions.

Jesus stood at my door and knocked. I answered and let Him in. I spent time with Him and listened to His voice. I pursued Him, drew near to Him, and remained in Him. The outcome has been a deeper, more intimate relationship with my Savior. The lasting effect is a life full of His peace. I now know the peace of God, even in the midst of life’s challenges.

Get close to God by being in touch with God’s Holy Spirit inside you. Tap into the power of the Prince of Peace, who lives in your heart. Listen to God’s voice and experience a life full of His perfect peace. Psalm 85:8 says, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say; He promises peace to His people, His saints—but let them not return to folly.† Listening to God’s voice enables us to delight in His peace. The peace of God is more precious than diamonds, silver, or gold. Enjoying all the rewards of listening to God makes me want to share this excellent practice with the world.

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A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

Book One in Hearing God’s Voice Series

You Created Me–I am Yours

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139: 13-14)

O Lord, my Lord, you saw me before you created me. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. You ordained all of my days before one of them came to be. You know my heart, O God. Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely. Lord, replace my words with your words. Speak through me. I am your instrument of love. Play me as a harp making sweet, pleasing melodies. I am your megaphone. Let me magnify your name, praising you before all nations. Let the words that flow from my lips be a fragrant offering to you, my Lord. May all who hear me, respond in praise to you.

I delight myself in you, my King. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. You live in me and mold me into your likeness day after day. You have refined me like silver and tested me like gold. I belong to you, O Lord. I will glorify your name and lift your name high above the earth. I raise my hands to the heavens in honor of you. You have adopted me as your own. You are my God and Father, my Creator and Sustainer, my Rock and Redeemer. You rule and reign over heaven and earth. Please rule and reign in me, my King. My heart is yours; my tongue is yours; my will is yours. I surrender myself to you. Use me for your glory today and every day. I love you with all my heart.

My child, I saw you before I created the world. I designed you and formed you in your mother’s womb. I laid out your days before you were born. I know your heart and mind. I am familiar with your ways and know the words on your tongue before they are uttered. I will use you to glorify my name in all the earth. You have surrendered yourself to me. You are like putty in my hands. I am the potter; you are the clay. I will mold you and make you after my will. Daily give yourself into my hands, and I will lead you on the path I have marked out for you. Honor me in all you do and say.

Your heart is safe with me. I will guard it against all evil. Be true to me and remain in me, and I will remain in you. I am your God and Father, your Creator and Sustainer, your Rock and Redeemer. I have freed you from your prison. I rebuilt you and refined you to carry out my plans. I am with you always. Be strong and courageous. I go with you wherever I send you. I shadow you in the wings of my protection. You are mine. Nothing will take you over on my watch. I never sleep, nor slumber. You are always on my mind and in my heart, as surely as I live in yours. You are my darling daughter. I love you beyond your comprehension.