Day 4 – God woke me up early to the lyrics of this chorus from This I Believe – The Creed by Hillsong
I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit Our God is three in one I believe in the resurrection That we will rise again For I believe in the Name of Jesus
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?â€
“Yes, Lord,†she told him, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.†(John 11:25-27)
Sons & Daughters of the King—When you believe in me, you will live. I came into the world to save those who are lost. I died in your place for your sins, but even more, I rose again. I am the resurrection and the life. Even though you will die, you will rise again with me. Believe in my Name and live forever.
Do not give in to the customs of this world, but live for me, the One who has saved you. You once were lost, but now you are found. The old life has passed away; your new life in me has begun. Turn from your former ways and live in the fullness of the life I intended for you. Seek me with all your heart and you will find me. I dwell in your heart. Listen to my voice within you. All my wisdom belongs to you. It is within your grasp any time you need it.
Spend time with me. Dig into the Scriptures. Listen as I speak to you through the verses in my Word. I am the bread from heaven. I will give you some of the hidden manna. Dine with me and I will satisfy your hunger. I am the bread of life. Believe in me and live.