Tag Archive | sheep

Who Could Have Known?

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.

The story of Christmas with open Bible to John 3:16


Who Could Have Known?

By Sindy Nagel


Who could have known

One starry night two thousand years ago,

A baby boy would change the world

And evil overthrow?


Isaiah prophesied a King

To rule on David’s throne,

As Mary kissed her baby’s cheek

How could she have known?


In fields nearby the shepherds watched

Over their flocks by night,

When an angel came to say to them

A Savior is born this night.


How could these shepherd boys have known

This peaceful babe asleep,

Would one day be THEIR Shepherd

And they would be His sheep?


Three Magi from the East rode far

to see this newborn King,

How could they have known this child

Had a greater gift to bring?


The angel and the heavenly host

Sang “Glory to God in the highestâ€

How could they have known this babe

Would be the great Messiah?


The child grew up in strength and wisdom

As the son of carpenter Joe,

He raised the boy to be a man

But how could Joseph know?

His son would one day heal the sick

And cause the blind to see,

How could he and Mary know

Their son would hang from a tree?


Twelve disciples followed Him

Not knowing where they trod,

But how could they have known this man

Was the Holy Son of God?


In three short years He was betrayed

By His friend’s greed within,

How could Judas Iscariot know

Jesus would die for his sin?


A thief on either side of Him

Sharing His final hour

How could they have known this man

Was filled with God’s great power?


With all the darkness and the sin

In our evil world today,

How could anyone ever know

Why we celebrate Christmas day?


Greater still than the gift He gave–

His life in exchange for mine–

Is Jesus dwelling in my heart

Through me, His light will shine.


Who could have known

One starry night two thousand years ago,

A baby boy would change the world

For those His salvation know!


(Read Luke 2)


By His Wounds You Have Been Healed

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. (1 Peter 2:24-25)

My baby sheep, I love you and take care of you like a Good Shepherd. You once were lost, but now you are found. You wandered away from the fold, but now you have returned to me. In your wandering your story developed. Though you suffered wounds, I healed those wounds. I suffered on a tree so that you might die to sin and live for me. I turned your ashes into beauty. I am the Overseer of your soul. You may now live in righteousness because you have been healed by my wounds. I died for you. Will you now live for me?

Plumb – Need You Now (How Many Times) Lyrics

Well, everybody’s got a story to tell

And everybody’s got a wound to be healed

I want to believe there’s beauty here

So, I guess you’re tired of holding on

I can’t let go, I can’t move on

I want to believe there’s meaning here

How many times have you heard me cry out

“God please take this”?

How many times have you given me strength to

Just keep breathing?

Oh I need you God, I need you now.

Standing on a road I didn’t plan

Wondering how I got to where I am

I’m trying to hear that still small voice

I’m trying to hear above the noise

How many times have you heard me cry out

“God please take this”?

How many times have you given me strength to

Just keep breathing?

Oh I need you God, I need you now.

Though I walk, Though I walk through the shadows

And I, I am so afraid

Please stay, please stay right beside me

With every single step I take

How many times have you heard me cry out?

And how many times have you given me strength?

How many times have you heard me cry out

“God please take this”?

How many times have you given me strength to

Just keep breathing?

Oh I need you God, I need you now. I need you now

Oh I need you God, I need you now. I need you now

I need you now

Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/plumb/need-you-now-how-many-times-lyrics/#bdluvEm0pyMIOlRK.99


I Will Not Lead You Astray

See link to Greg Olsen’s “Take My Hand” artwork on my Facebook page.

“The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” (John 10:2-4)

Good morning, my child. I am the good shepherd. I look after my sheep. I call them each by name, and they follow me because they know my voice. You are my sheep; you know my voice. Listen to me. I will not lead you astray. Let me go ahead of you and prepare the way for you. Follow me wherever I lead you. I will remove the obstacles that impede your travel. I will clear the path and mark out the best way for you to go. The road is narrow that leads to life. All other roads lead to destruction. I want the best for you. I will lead you on the path of life. I never said it would be easy. Truly, it will be worth any hardships you have to endure. Remember, I am with you always. You never walk alone. Take my hand. We’ll travel this journey together. You are my precious child. I know you by name.

Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100)

My children, you are my sheep. You are my people and I am your God. Bring your songs of worship before me and serve me in thankfulness. I am Lord of all the earth, the Master of all creation. I make provision for all your needs. I am the Good Shepherd and I take care of you. I feed you in green pastures and lead you beside still waters. The bear and the wolf are no match for me. I will lay down my life to protect you. I love you more fully than you will ever comprehend. My love endures for all time.

I am the source of everything good in your life. I am faithful to all generations. Stand together and lift your praises to my holy name. Rejoice in the knowledge that I am the Lord God and I am good. Glorify me with your songs of praise. Exalt me above the heavens and the earth. Lift high the name of Jesus, your Savior.

I have prepared a feast and I invite you to sit at my table. Commune with me and partake of the bread and the wine. My body was broken for you. My blood was shed for your sin. I demonstrated the depth of my great love for you as I hung on the cross in your place. The cross was not the end. I have risen from the dead. I am alive, and I live in you. The gift of my Spirit in you is priceless! Do not take it for granted. I am your life and peace. Rejoice with thankful hearts. Again, I say rejoice!


The Good Shepherd

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.†(John 10:14-15)

I am the Good Shepherd and you are my sheep. A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep, as I have laid down my life for you. When you wander away from the flock, I search for you myself until I find you. I call you by name and lead you home. I gather you up as a lamb in my arms and carry you close to my heart. I bind up your wounds and strengthen you in your weakness. I shelter you from the storm and protect you from your enemy. I feed you in rich green pastures and provide living water for your thirsty soul. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. I and my Father are One. When you know me, you know my Father as well. My sheep follow me because they know my voice. Listen to my voice and follow me where I lead you. I will not lead you astray. I am the gate for the sheep. Enter through the gate and receive the rich blessings of a life in me. I am the Good Shepherd, and I will take care of you.

You Know My Voice

“The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” (John 10:2-4)

Precious daughter, do not get swallowed up in the broad spectrum of the task I have given you. I do not send you alone into the world. I am with you always. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and focus your undivided attention on him. He is the Good Shepherd. He will not allow you lose your way. His eyes are fixed on you. Remember your position. Follow the Shepherd. Do not attempt to lead. When you walk ahead of him, you may find yourself ensnared in the enemy’s trap. You expose yourself to unnecessary dangers. You may fall into the ditch that I know is there, but you do not see it. Remain in the wing of my protection. Do not run ahead; do not wander off the path I have laid out for you. Seek me for every step you take. I will light your way in the darkness of the unknown. Take my hand and allow me to lead. Give control over to me, and listen to my will for you. My ways are higher than your ways. I know what lies ahead. I have your best interests in mind. You know my voice. Listen to it and follow me, my love. I will lead you in the way everlasting.

I Call You By Name

The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.  He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. (John 10:2-4)

My child, you are more than just my daughter. I love you, and I have called you by name. You are my precious lamb. I conceived you in my mind before I created the world. I formed you in your mother’s womb, and I ordained all your days before one of them came to be. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. I will not forget you! I am with you always. You are special to me. Spend time with me today and listen to my voice. Let my words be food for your hungry soul and water for your thirsty spirit. Delight in me and experience my joy and peace. You are my child, called by my name. (See Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 49:16)