Tag Archive | speaking

Breathe Brunch @ Lake Center Bible Church

A woman is standing at the microphone and holding a pen.On 9/7/13, I had the privilege to speak to about 35 women who attended a quarterly brunch put on by the Breathe women’s group at Lake Center Bible Church. I was blessed by the event and enjoyed the delicious food, fun games, door prizes, and a great chance to socialize with many beautiful ladies! Thanks for planning a great morning, Andrea, & thanks for inviting me.

Mother’s Day Speaking Events

I am really excited about the two speaking engagements that I have this weekend. I am speaking to a group of ladies from Gull Lake Bible Church for their Mother’s Day luncheon on Saturday, May 11. On Sunday, May 12, I am speaking at the 11:00 a.m. service at Trenches Community Church. I am grateful to God for given me these opportunities to share his message of love with his children. Please pray for me as God uses me in this way.