Tag Archive | speaking event

Mother’s Day Speaking Events

I am really excited about the two speaking engagements that I have this weekend. I am speaking to a group of ladies from Gull Lake Bible Church for their Mother’s Day luncheon on Saturday, May 11. On Sunday, May 12, I am speaking at the 11:00 a.m. service at Trenches Community Church. I am grateful to God for given me these opportunities to share his message of love with his children. Please pray for me as God uses me in this way.

Mother’s Day Speaking Event

I have been invited to deliver the Mother’s Day message at Trenches Community Church on Gayle St. off East Main St. in Kalamazoo, on Sunday, May 12, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. The topic will be: How to know God more intimately by listening to His voice. Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit will unleash his power at that event. This is open to the public. Thanks for your support.